Mini Madeleines
Posted by admin
on Tuesday, November 8, 2011
One of this week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe was selected by Di of Di’s Kitchen Notebook. She chose Mini Madeleines, which are the traditional shell-shaped cookies made tiny, flavored with honey, brown sugar, and lemon. I didn’t exactly make mine mini, but I did make them in a different pan so they would be different than the other madeleines that I have made. If you want to recipe for these madeleines, you can visit Di’s blog, and also don’t forget to check out the Tuesdays with Dorie site to see how others did with this recipe.
I made half a batch of the batter and baked my cookies in this small tart-like pan. It’s a British pan that my husband had when we got married. It has round indentations with a bit of a start pattern. I typically use in to make mince pies at Christmas. (And as you’ll see, I ended up using it to make mini Depths of Fall pies, too.) It’s not as small as the mini madeleine pan, but it was different so I figured that was good. I ended up really liking the shape of these once they were baked. They had a bit of a star shape and were kind of three-dimensional. How fun!
My madeleines stuck to the pan, but it seems like I wasn’t the only person who had this problem. I find that perfectly buttering and flouring this type of pan to be particularly challenging. I did get them out of the pan without damaging them, but it took a bit effort. I was hopeful that you would be able to taste the honey and brown sugar, but I could only pick up the lemon. Still, it was nice to try something different and I think this pan can work when I need it as a back-up for my madeleine pan.
Recipe from Baking from My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan, page 172
Tagged as: Shaped Cookies, Tuesdays with Dorie

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